
@ RyoP_pepepe

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Happy Birthday to the former Female Idol of F-LAGS, Ryo Akizuki! We hope RyoP have a dazzling day with him!

Trivia: Seiji taught him a beginner's muscle training regime, and he's currently working towards it (!?)

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オープン致しました( ᐡ. ̫ .ᐡ )

本日もEL. DORADOさんとの合同営業となっております👠💕

12時〜 ちょこ湯煎🍫
15時〜 めめ👀、ゆうゆ🥃
17時〜 Ryopさん、にあさん


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Happy Birthday to the Ex-Crossdressing idol of F-LAGS, Ryo Akizuki! We hope RyoP have a dazzling day with him!

Trivia: Ryo has made the most appearances in branches other than his own. He can be seen in Cinderella girls, Million Live, as well as multiple 765Pro games.

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Happy birthday to the cool boy idol of F-LAGS, Ryo Akizuki! We hope RyoP have a dazzling day with him!

Trivia: Ryo loves playing soccer and hopes to play with Yusuke and Kyosuke one day!

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