for some reason I can't ignore canon material completely but this is what happened another year later okay

214 490

K&L interacting and being gentle and supportive with each other..!! 😂❤️

578 2148

[ I seek the secret of life ]

[ I give my own ]

310 633

vent art; what if keith saw the epilogue in the quantum abyss, what if he knew and still chose to die for someone who would never love him back 🙃

375 963

whatever you do don't imagine Keith having a silent breakdown, all alone bc Shiro c a n ' t k n o w

142 334

permanent reminder of those they love but couldn't keep. that's incredibly cruel, don't you think?

113 243

I'm here to deliver shit that nobody asked for.

440 1206

They took one of the most beautiful relationship I've ever seen depicted on show, then made strangers out of them.

532 1199

I thought we would chase the stars together to the end

397 848

this all feels too familiar, your heart still hurts...#sheith
(aka i love feeling sad :') )

265 708

in Russia we have a brand of tea named Curtis so here’s Keith having a nightmare about Shiro marrying a literal teabag without any character or backstory yay 👏👏

4 24