My lbp3 oc-

Her name is Lustre and she lives in a village full of lightbulb headed sackfolk in the Needlepoint peaks :>

She bakes pastries but nobody can eat them because they have lightbulbs for heads-

So she sells the pastries to tourists and such :>

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Little Big Planet 2, is my favorite game of all time so i made some bomb ass art of it

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This is Lustre :D
She lives in a small village at the Needlepoint Peaks, and she spends her time baking pastries for any sackfolk who end up in Bunkum :>

Sorry for the sea of tags-

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Here's the crew as Sackfolk from last year that I didn't post in November because I am dumb.

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Sackboy says If you don't support us, you aren't a real lbp fan. You don't deserve us sackfolk <3

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