I think I'd really like a cow best friend.

12 54

If your friends don’t tell you when you have salad in your teeth you might need new friends. https://t.co/l39gS4VyLA

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I’ve got some bad news about an animal with priorities. https://t.co/kxCd6y7qwk

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These three animals would wish you a Happy International Women’s Day if they knew what it was and if they weren’t busy hunting or fighting. https://t.co/oBpRmhwblP

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Here’s a sad and surprising fact about an animal everyone assumes is mostly social. Thanks and Shalene Jha at University of Texas Austin! https://t.co/w7bffdqJNx

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The animal you have the most in common with might be living 3,000 feet below sea level off the coast of Australia. https://t.co/WVpyPqK8lg

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Bad news about an animal looking for love in all the wrong places. https://t.co/feoy5c0qlB

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Warm winter greetings from eight animals that spend winter hibernating. ❄️❄️(Is eight right? I counted them three times and still don't feel confident.) And warm jealous greetings to the Southern Hemisphere. https://t.co/KMiQEctgQy

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I've got some bad news about blue whales, or me on the plane this morning watching Wonder Woman. I'm blaming something about the altitude, I think it was the altitude. https://t.co/0u8i2qFELW

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I've got some bad news about a small crying deer. 💦💦 https://t.co/YvLDRE6hbj

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Happy first day of winter ❄️#sadanimalfacts https://t.co/m8gwMO7WGQ

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I've got some bad news about six of these seven rabbits. https://t.co/KPCVUZF8pC

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I've got some bad news about an animal making excuses. (PS killdeer are super cool) https://t.co/zTEN2sIH6d

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Don't rush Tuesday. Sloth moths live slow and fulfilling lives in the fur of three-toed sloths. Wh… https://t.co/xG2wepgSX7

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Good luck today. 🏀#sadanimalfacts https://t.co/O6kckck2QC

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I've got some bad news about an animal with really specific powers. https://t.co/7zk4iTDtxH

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