【Sadocus ingens】





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I will try to make more smooching SesaDoc 😭😭😭

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I'm Sadoch & these are my most recent, completed artworks!

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I'm Maria aka. Sadoch.
I'm looking to increase the attention my art gets as well as connecting with fellow art enthusiasts!

I'm so happy to see fellow artists conquer their goals and i hope to do the same!💪🐱

Here are my 4 most recent works!

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I'm Maria going as Sadoch, I'm an artist looking to develop my own webtoon among other various art projects.

•I do take commissions: (availability on profile)

Here are my 4 most recent works:

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🧊Hello everyone, I'm Maria going as Sadoch.

A fun fact about me is that despite confidence and having loads to say, the layer of ice is meters thick.
I'm hoping that after these greetings it'll have shrunk just a bit.

Happy to meet you, here are 4 of my most recent pieces!

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Hi guys, might be late to the show but I'm Maria going as Sadoch, I usually create fantasy related art, original characters and such, but for this piece i got the privilige of painting a beautiful family member.

I hope to interact with more people, ciao for now!🌷

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I didn't draw any SesaDoc for this Christmas so here is my OC and 's OC to celebrate the occasion 🙈🙈🙈💦💦💦🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁

Cp: Setsuyo x Sakaebi

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A year with almost full SesaDoc 🙈🙈🙈💦💦💦

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SesaDoc 347 🙈🙈🙈💦💦💦

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showed sadocord my haircut i miss my long hair

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He enjoys a doctor's pepper.

inspired by 's fantastic toad render

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The image of the Sadoc Burrows leading Harfoot children, wearing straw hats with possible apple symbolism, in a ceremony brings to mind another creature illustrated covered in apples: the hedgehog in medieval Bestiaries (Books of Beasts).🧵19/

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¡¡¡Felicidades (atrasadocómosiempre) por los 500 follows!!! TKM ídolo✨❤️💖

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Capitulo 2-Parte 24

Y terminamos el capitulo 2 uvu👌💕

Habrá una breve pausa en este comic para que pueda pulir ciertas partes del guion y a lo mucho lo volveré a retomar en casi un mes, paciencia🙏

Mientras tanto disfruten~ uvu👊💖

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Capitulo 2-Parte 23

Penúltimas paginas, ya para el martes traigo las ultimas y concluiremos el capitulo 2 de este comic 👀👌

Disfruten~ uvu👊💕

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Capitulo 2-Parte 22

Según yo no iba a subir comic pero termine por ceder ya que falta poco para el final del capitulo dos y aun he dejado incógnitas sin resolver xd, ya en el tercero resolveré algunas 👌✨

En fin, disfruten~ uvu👊💕

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Capitulo 2-Parte 21

Un poquito de gore para ponerle sal al asunto 👀👌✨

Disfruten uvu👊💕

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