Exciting neeeeeeeeews! The auction has begun by I feel thankful so much❤️🔥

The emotion in the art really suit this time. Seafarer has started her adventure. The whale and the frog are happy too! Go sailing⛵️

100 384

After days seeking
finally got my favorite TOONZ
red body with a same sailor hat like my MAYC
Let's sailing⛵️⛵️⛵️
show me your cats in comment,my good fams,i think this won't be my only one.

终于买到我最喜欢的一只 !

105 206

恭喜芽心( )加入Studio Sailing⛵️


感謝迷雨老婆() 幫我畫的賀圖!!

4 21


Happy birthday, Captain Beidou my beloved 🥰🎉 (Yes I hc her as a buff woman bcs there’s no way she’s not while using a claymore >:0)

45 90