I bandwagon... I poured a lot of my feelings on this art piece today cause i was... not emotionally feeling well. But due to this, I felt happy. I will always fight like Sailormoon.

8 60

Me:never watch sailormoon.
Also me:try to draw sailormoon.

0 1

Gatau kenapa pada rame gambar sailormoon. Ikut ngeramein aja tapi bukan gambar sailormoon beneran.

0 3

My re-attempt of Sailormoon. Came out ok though... 😅

25 156

This is how you're supposed to draw Sailormoon... Right??

6 26

I don't think I have actually seen a single episode of Which is weird because it totally would have fit into my favorite shows in the late 90's.


2 8

I love Sailormoon.

2 7


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Aw crap I don't think I ever posted these here(?) but I redesigned the main characters from In order of completion, here's aka (thread 1/11)

15 42

My attempt drawing aka from to draw her after I watched the episode she first appeared in+fell in love with her design +character but also after listening to one of her character songs called ‘We believe you'.

2 4

Last day to get kits with artwork from and Kanon Jasumine for 25% off. Use promo code SAILORMOON.


5 29

In a TV news report seen at the start of episode 45, there's a man who resembles Junichi Satō, the series director for the first 2 seasons of Director Asatō in episode 21 was also based on Satō.

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