[Under the Moonlight pt2]
Prompt: Training
Challenge: favorite rare pair
Type: art + microfic

4 8

Prompt: Feminine
Challenge: another Sanzo
Type: fanart

8 14

Prompt: Understanding
Challenge: non-ikkou ship (I don't really ship them but they understand each other)
Type: art

1 2

Dragon King of the Western Sea
Prompt: Cycle
Challenge: Gaiden
Type: art

8 20

Inktober. Day 15 - Combo: Past - Present - Future

Вышел нормально мелкий обезьян, а взрослого Гоку мне пока сложно представить 😂

5 9

Day 2: treasured
Brothers - AU

P.S. Saiyutober лежит в сторонке и смотрит с укором XD

5 11

/Finally back to
digital sketches:

Day 10: pattern + scars (AU Goku drifting from one orphanage to another until he would met the right family)

Day 11: Snow + Heaven (need to build a


4 16

Saiyutober 2019 Day 26: Hunger.

Goku in a nutshell.

1 6

I made a little pause in Saiyutober to draw a quick Tanjiro protecting the common citizen with his yellow vest.

Political situation here in Chile is critical. No more abuses!!

1 4

Saiyutober 2019 Day 9: Sin.

Chin Yisou sealed Cho Gonou's destiny forever.

12 14

Saiyutober 2019 Day 8: Heal.

Share this Hakkai Charm of Luck, so you'll never get lack of healing, especially if you have a blonde friend with little sense of humor and an easy trigger.

6 7

Saiyutober 2019 Day 6: Wings.

I chose Hazel & his other self.

9 11