One last set of posts to cap off Saktober AKA Here's a comparison between the older character renders on the right and the newer ones on the left! I'm really happy about how much better they've gotten and how the style has been refined!

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*gasp* The final character render for is none other than the evil Falbose! As of right now, he is still surrounded in mystery, but I will say that we will see him again soon...

Also, the final day of Saktober approaches with a new episode...what a ride it's been.

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Whoa! It's a render of Rodrick for Just like Claris' Mom, he never had a proper render before, but now he does! Good for him.

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Today's concept art for is for the Crystal Crabs featured in Chapter 6. At first, they weren't crabs at all, and were in fact bugs. I decided to change them to crabs for a specific reason I can't really say at the moment...

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The last week of is here...what a ride...

Anyways, it's Elaine, the Guild's scientist! (New render on the left, as usual) For those curious, her glasses are based on stereotypical anime swirly glasses, but I cut them in half to give her a more bored look.

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The last extra image day of is an assortment of meme-y, cool, and random images. The last are sketches of an image I posted without context a while ago of a robot Sakuma. Who is he? Nothing! I just thought it was cool. He has no canonicity nor will he in the future

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The second to last Saturday of Saktober AKA means it's another fresh new episode! Claris and Karin enter the ruins of the swamp and things get a little....crazy!

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We're almost done with the Guild member renders with today's post. It's Magnolia, the leader! Her new pose on the left is extremely similar to her old one, but I like it more.

New episode tomorrow!

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A new chapter begins during This is a Karin and Claris-centric chapter, and it looks as if they're heading towards a spooky swamp. How will they get along?

Find out here:

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strikes again with a new render for the tree man, Treeman. While he didn't have a lot of screentime, he was essential to Claris' growth as a character, and I still really like his design. Old render on the right.

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Saktober AKA Full Week 2 starts off with a new render for Jackson! I still really like the old one on the right, so the new one is pretty reminiscent with a slight change in pose.

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For today's extra image day, I wanted to share a fun set of color palettes if Sakuma and Claris were ever fighters in a fighting game! The top row is all Sakuma related colors and the bottom are based on other works of mine.

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New render day for Claris has changed a little over time due to the style's refinement. New on the left, old on the right.

New episode tomorrow!

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continues with a look at concept art for the first proper icon of the series. As you can see, the characters were swapped for the final product, and I added a little extra bit for the final FINAL product. This is also the only icon originally drawn on paper.

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Today's feature is a new render for Claris' mom! She actually never had a proper render before, so this is big! When we meet her, she notably has more wool than Claris, and that's because her illness prevented her from taking time to shave. I guess the look stuck.

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Today's post for is a story recap of the events that have taken place in the webcomic so far! Of course, there are spoilers. This is meant to be for people who have already read the story and want a little reminder of what all happened.

Tomorrow is a new episode!

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The first day of Saktober AKA is upon us! For the first day, I made a few informational images about what exactly Sakuma is.

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