🌊: In the song "Even the Sky is Crying" speaks truth to justice with profound statements. What is your truth to justice? What are you willing to fight for? For whom will you become an ally? Listen to the song at https://t.co/97rjbCZhlf

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Who has the right to appropriate a place and call it ‘home’ while invalidating and creating an unsafe place for diverse experiences? And at what point do privileged bodies/genders/identities become allies? Listen to "Salty" by Marqueza at https://t.co/XG8vJZUYLI

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Through their art, and express that partnership/love is essential. How does one maintain independence while being interdependent finding comfort, security, safety and love? Listen to "Solaris" by Marqueza at: https://t.co/G8jTkNGHzd

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