June 22th : A word to describe their relationship: Love. Because Gay Love Defeats the Veil of Death.

4 25

June 21th : Favorite brotherly moment
Basically every single of them. No way to chose!

2 20

June 19th: Favorite moment with another character
Any moment with Crowley!

3 35

June 18th : Bunker or motel rooms ?
Uf! a hard one, but I prefer the bunker. Dean and Sam went full adorkable domestic husbandos there.

10 41

June 12th: Favorite AU version
I don't know if this refers to canon or not. If canon, obviously the Gay-Richesters. If not, my fave was a fanfic AU called "Fusion". I really wanted to illustrate the full thing :(

24 118

June 11th : Favorite brotherly declaration:
"There ain't no me if there ain't no you". I know, some people will say that was Zeke but Zeke said he used Dean's words. So suck it.

27 130

June 9th : Favorite Episode
I'm going with an unpopular one:

12 88