Samuel Johnson, a well-known and loved writer of the 18th century, died in London in 1784. Check out some of his works on the MHS catalogue, Abigail:

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Born in 1884: (1884-1962), First lady of the USA

Portrait by (1880-1948), 1945

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Il 1709 nasceva Fine animatore della vita culturale londinese, noto per aver redatto il Dizionario (con grammatica e storia), allo scopo di difendere la purezza della lingua inglese fissandone usi e pronunce, ma anche di combattere i vari francesismi.

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Samuel Johnson Woolf, William Franklin "Frank" Knox (1874-1944), 20th century

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Dr & Mrs Thrale's Meissen teapot, c1758, used to spread the "contagion of china-fancy". Replacement spout poured better. 🎂

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