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@Verdrehte_katze His name was Neer but I changed him to SandDollar
He's more piratey now too.
Chapter 2 - Page 39 is up now for Shell Club 💛
Subscribe to TSOS get access to my entire buffer for 5 sanddollars a month!
We will now be starting a thread of character bios that will be updated as the #TheLifeofanInkling series continues.
First up today is our protagonist, Sona Sanddollar!
check out @chroniCAvenger for the new cartoon strip.. #lowtemp #wedontsmokethesame #topshelf #terpenes #topshelflife #liveresin #fueledbybho #thousanddollarsmoke #indica #sativa #globs #cbd #dailydabbers t #weedporn #potporn #nuglife420 #highsociety #710society