You know, I had an idea that I was going to do all new art for this prompt thread but I can't get this old piece (2018) out of my head. I specifically asked for 29. Comfort, because I wanted something special on my birthday. I will re-draw this soon, tho.

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24. Sins/Torments

Kay tries not to dwell on the things she's had to do since she was embraced, just to survive. Sometimes she can't help but to think about it, though.

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23. Fanart

I had to choose one of the best bois, 's Simon from their comic Lies Within!!

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13. Addiction

guest character of mine named Theo, who isn't a vampire but is the ghoul of one. He did not take his introduction to this new life very well and it worsened his already-bad alcohol addiction.

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9. Party!!

Kay and Andrew don't know each other, but if they did then they would definitely go raving together!!

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7. Haven & 8. Habits/Mannerisms

Andrew lives in a castle in the UK! One of many castles, tbh. And Ilya tends to bite his lip when he's nervous.

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5. Coterie - I chose Kay's coterie and I'm sorry about the bad sketch rofl usually I have it done beforehand. Anyway, left to right is Noa, a thin blood (), Rocky, a toreador () and Trapper, a gangrel (not on twitter)

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Day 4 - Clan

Tzimisce 😎 If I’d had more time, I would’ve drawn some awesome fleshcrafting but alas...

Pack Priest is very typical of Tzimisce too though 😉

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3. Embrace

I chose Ilya again because dang, this boi has me. Anyway, as I mentioned previously Ilya was among a group of kidnapped guys who were being turned into wights. He, of course, went into his undeath cursing his sire.

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Day 2 - Sire!

Okay, so I chose ‘Grand’-Sire, because Lily never really met her Sire. But her grand-Sire was a Cardinal in the Sabbat! He was a standard, creepy af Tzimisce Elder... who was also quietly an Infernalist and was then destroyed 😅

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DAY 1 of hello everyone let's get this started!!!!! For this prompt month I will be predominantly working with these three vampire OCs in this thread, but there may be others occasionally! (ty again for that amazing prompt graphic!!!)

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