Next (on insta) prompt: Sovereign

One of my oldest OCs, Napalor. kind of a redraw of this old art from 2009.
I haven’t rly drawn dragons in YEARS, I feel a bit rusty-

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J-11, thème : Intelligence Artificielle

Eugeo, une I.A. de type Bottom Up

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Day 8 prompt of is main antagonist and this au has 3, Jazz (who later turns good), Sven Diamond, and his mother, Whitney Diamond

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Jour 6 du avec Asuna incarnant Stacia, la déesse de la vie et de la création.
Je voulais pas juste la redessiner tout simplement donc j'ai décidé d'essayer de la mettre en scène avec des choses jamais essayées ^^'

J'espère qu'elle vous plaira tout de même =3

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"This is MY world!"
And for this Sixth day of the with the theme of "Divinity" here comes Quinella A.K.A The Administrator of the Underworld!

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Today marks the 5th day of ! With the theme of Sword Skills, I drew Asuna performing the skill "Star Splash!" Hope you enjoy~

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Jour 5 avec un poil de retard mais la colo a été longue lol
Pour le thème "Skill Sword" j'ai pas choisi mon préféré, mais celui que je trouve le plus beau, évidemment, celui de notre cher Eugeo =3

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Hello ! How are you ? 🌸

Here is my drawing for the of day 2 and 4! 💕 Sorry for the late !

I took the opportunity to try some watercolor brushes! ✨

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Happy Birthday Silica! I've decided I'll try and do ~ Even if i'm 4 days late lol, didn't exactly get to finish the shading on this as I hoped, but I wanted to get something in for our cute beast tamer~

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Jour 3 avec pour Silica pour héroïne (Joyeux anniversaire à elle =3)

J'espère qu'il vous plaira ^^

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And second drawing but Fourth Day of with Silica!
This time I decided to do an comical drawing. Poor girl's dream of "More Deban" are starting to go too far!

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I'm late at this, so I decided to do the last three theme in a single drawing as I really want to participate in this
SAOctober - Sword/Flower/Integrity Knight

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lancé par jour 2
. Thème : Fleur
Par contre je sais pas si c'est vraiment une fleur mais on va dire que oui c'est pratiquement la même chose.

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Day 2: At rest Of my boy Lerell, a sleepy boy swordsmen in the light realm :3

should I animate it?

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Eh it's the second now, and I'll retweet this when I wake up. here are my pieces also, introducing Jazz, the Jasper character of the series. Leader of the Queen's. Dot is their freelance engineer.

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The first prompt of the is Battle Stats I just rolled up some DND stats

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