💀🏍 Car Wars vs Cthulhu 7: Nitocris rises again. She raids the ruins of Saqqara, with her all-female band of raiders, in search of Tomes of Eldritch Lore such as the De Vermis Mysteriis, Book of Eibon, and the infamous Necronomicon

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Nous cherchons depuis 4 ans, à Amon Sûl, Saqqara, rien, elle n'est plus là. Abdul al-Hazred nous avait prévenu, mais nous ne voulions pas le croire ,dans ses fouilles a probablement découvert un secret terrible. Happy Birthday^^ Nous ne l'abandonnerons pas Dr Jones.

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Random lore dump cause I finally actually thought of some so YEET. Saqqara I'd a goddess of Fortune and luck, only showing her face to those she thinks are worthy. Otherwise she wears one of her masks. Gold meaning good fortune and luck-

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One of the famous scenes of Pharaoh Netjerikhet Djoser running as part of the ‘Heb-sed’ jubilee ceremony. This is the only one I took - just no time for more - bit frustrating but grateful to have been there at all

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