advanced form of My players still haven't seen this guy yet, but luckily they aren't on twitter. (also color experiment; sick)

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dunno why I'm always trying to draw without lines, as if that's the secret ingredient that'll suddenly make me good. Even still, had fun with this one. Think I'll try colored lines on the next one.

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Last one for now. Everything else is comparatively unfinished. Wish I had more to say lol.

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Next up is this lad. I used him in D&D so he stuck out against all the other, less finished/lower quality art I use in that campaign.

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I should stop forgetting to upload stuff here. I'll start with this one, y'know, for kicks.

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Here's this week's my favorite character, Richter Belmont!

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Couple of WIP's to start it off, hoping to get 'em done soon.

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