hc that sauvine did not know about the jedi, literally knew nothing (thats why the what's a padawan question ahhsha) and then started his research and found info about Satele and just

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Hoy toca Satele. 2022 es mi año temático revival SWTOR.

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Calling all Trekkies! Hologram doctor Robert Picardo announces all is set for Destination Star Trek 📅Save the date: 12-14 November . Find out who the dedicated Trekkies are in and visit our stand 👉 http//www.destinationstartrek.com

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Darth Malgus lideró el ataque del Imperio Sith sobre Alderaan. Durante una emboscada se enfrentó a Satele Shan y al soldado Jace Malcom. Malgus fue derrotado por la jedi y el soldado y las heridas que sufrió le obligaron a usar un respirador el resto de su vida.

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Replaying MGS2 and I almost didn't even recognize the voice... all of the iconic characters that they've portrayed that I've loved

Just from a handful of games: E.E., Fall-from-Grace, Mazzy Fentan, Bastila/Satele Shan, Krem, Scarlet Witch, Phoenix~

Jennifer Hale the GOAT 🐐

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Satele looks down on it all...

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Satele was also the main character in The Old Republic prequel comic Threat of Peace.

I do prefer her design in the webcomic.

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I've recently started playing swtor again and moved to Satele Shan server. So if you see me on my mercenary, i'll appreciate if you say hi!

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Jennifer Hale, Actriz que dio la voz a Naomi Hunter de MGS, Comandante Shepard, Varios personajes en Star wars como Bastila Shan, Satele Shan, Jaden Korr en version femenina, Aayla Secura, Trooper femenina en The Old Republic, e infinidades mas de personajes.

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1)Mara Jade/Ahsoka
2)Jaina Solo
3) Bastila Shan
4)Tau Idair
5)Satele Shan

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Never mind Revan and Malak Funko Pops, this is the one I want to see.

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Happy May The 4th! Here's my favorite Jedi ever Grand Master Satele Shan! She's so composed and has so much conviction!

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Here are mine: Satele Shan, Aayla Secura, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi.

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Satele Shan always makes my day more enjoyable.

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