Romantic Date 🌈 🍿 !!!

Pride month just started yesterday and I wanted to draw the boys on a date 😊
Sobble purse 🤲🏼 🩵

Ash Goh Gou Satoshi satogou Pokémon anipoke journeys viajes サトゴウ アニポケ ポケモン

41 129

Gary: Romeo, hang up the phone on Juliet. I lent you my lab so we could finish this project!
Horace: Gary, let them talk

Older Satogou

Shigeru Tokio Satoshi Ash anipoke Pokémon journeys サトゴウ アニポケ ポケモン Gou Goh

43 208

As usual I’m late for day 😅

223 1331

Happy SatoGou Day 3.15 🌸

I did it on time! 😭
Que viva la ship!

Satogou Goh satoshi Gou ash pokemon anipoke journeys サトゴウ アニポケ ゴウ サトシ

104 485

Ash and Goh Sleeping 💤 : ' )

15 53

🚫No reposts🚫
he needs to cry a little

4 18

Ash and goh in each other's outfits :3

15 55

Since it’s the month of love I wanted to show some satogou art I did for and their socials 🫶💖💕!!

106 490

A piece of you even though we're not together ♡

Happy Valentine Day!!
Enjoy this day with ppl you love!!
That includes yourself <3

25 77

Totally adore my SatoGou birthday cake. 🎂

Art commission was made by 💙❤
Thank you very much for making my dream 🎂 come true. 🥰

13 51

🚫No reposts🚫
*stares in a non homo way*

20 65

Lumity but now they are gay part 2 :]
Since you guys liked the one before, I decided to make more.
soon I will upload the others

20 108

I drank too much coffee in order to answer an exam and now I can’t sleep😴
So I’ll just share the close up of one of my drawings

satogou Pokémon journeys satoshi ash Ketchum Goh Gou anipoke アニポケ ポケモン サトゴウ

28 152

Sonic x Pokemon Journeys

Satogou as Sonic characters 🦔 🐇
Hedgehog and rabbit!

Ash / Satoshi & Goh / Gou

anipoke ソニック サトゴウ アニポケ ポケモン サトシ ゴウ Ketchum

31 130

Happy holidays!! <33

I hope you're doing okay 💞

30 109