I finally did a of asayris’s character over on Instagram! Sorry the posing is nothing special, I was just focusing on coloring to practice some more. ✨

3 8

My last art for this week 'coz our midterm exam is coming up again. Anyways, here's my entry for the asayris' dtiys challenge hosted on IG.

0 2

✨New Video on my YT Channel✨
DTIYS by Asayris
Pasupport naman💙

19 69

Bueno, pues ya he acabado el de
Hecho con

6 35

Desenho novo!!!
Terminei família, eae oq acharam?
🔃+❤= eu felizona 😝

63 167

Gia 💟✨

joined asayris' dtiys on instagram 🥰

4 5

New drawing! This is my entry for 💞 💞

0 5

ig saw it first.
here’s my entry for - a challenge on instagram. 💗

12 45

Decided to join dtyis from ! I love this character so much😍✨.

Congratulations on your 320k followers 😍✨! Here’s my version of your character and hope you love this!!

3 16

slapped colors on an old sayriki sketch

295 724

finally getting some of my energy back!!! quick sayriki propaganda between work :D!

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