It's been a while in new art posts, so here's something to start off the month! 😊

Here's my Fan Art Contest entry that I worked on between July & August featuring my favorite character, Ulala, with the Morolians. 💖

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Ready, and... action! Ulala reporting in!

5 8

I like the idea of there being 3D models on the SC5VR site, they're just glitching at the moment

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あらかたお待たせしております「 VR あらかた★ダンシングショー」ですが、もうじきに、いろいろな発表をできるべく、ぜっさん準備を進めております。どうか本年度もよろしくお願い致します!

Happy 20th-Anniversary Year 2020!!

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