I went to draw the main character of the wrestling romance novel I’m working on when my boyfriend pointed out I was just drawing Pedro Pascal…So, I guess we know who I’d cast in the movie. XD https://t.co/RKWB3Y32JQ

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Art is imitating life over here with .betty ‘s Dream Project! As I try to pack for a little ‘work retreat’, the Research Assistants are doing everything in their power to find room for themselves in my suitcase 🧳. Not this time!!

Katie, Rascal… https://t.co/PSBIsn55V7

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¡ FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS ! ペドロさんお誕生日おめでとうございます!!演じるキャラクターはめちゃくちゃかっこいいのに、本人はお茶目で変顔から笑顔まで全部かわいいそんなペドロさんが大好きです😂 "Adorable" is for Pedro Pascal……!

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Well I sure haven't posted in a while. Here's a I experimented with recently. This was to explore grayscal… https://t.co/SXs4dFtcva

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A little teaser for what is to come for my big exit show this semester. This is a 1:1 scal… https://t.co/D4Tc7JowJf

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