Vorepunk Follow-up series 02
win4699(https://t.co/kxLPywu4AN)的Vorepunk系列連動再次來襲,這次是Vorepunk: The Scavenger的日後談系列。 為了感謝各位親們的支持,該系列將免費發布。 後續故事也將逐步放送,敬請期待。 win佬分享了很多漫画创作有关的经验和知识,受益良多!

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Vorepunk Follow-up series 01
win4699(https://t.co/Gsry84LfMp)的Vorepunk系列連動再次來襲,這次是Vorepunk: The Scavenger的日後談系列。 為了感謝各位親們的支持,該系列將免費發布。 後續故事也將逐步放送,敬請期待。

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Going through for a 2nd playthrough and my heart is in shambles. I was so gripped I couldn't fucking take a screenshot and had to scavenge around youtube for it

I love Yui, man

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告知遅れましたがDotenさん 主宰のドSマスコット本 ドSなあのこにいじわるされたい♡とケモスカ本 SCAvengers#2に2話寄稿させて頂きました(*_ _)
F-14 Dotenさんのブースへもぜひお越し下さいませ!

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https://t.co/0pBkhDV6VS https://t.co/yRArqBR8wt

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Decided to watch scavengers reign today
Decided it would be better to tackle some comms first
Found out its oomfs birthday so decided i should do that too
Was a bit tired so tried to power nap
Slept for 4 hours and i only have long before i gotta go to work

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Elite Scavenger


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Its 4;30 in the morning and im out here scavenging for dub ango clips

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drawpile gravel (scavenger ver.)

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I am trying my hand in some art and make own Pokemon.

Introducing Komawdon! Dark Dragon Type!

Its scavenges it's territory for food and has a strong jaw and heavy weight to defend it's territory.

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The scavengers are so silly i love them🫶🫶🫶

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🔻 The latest update regarding the Scavenger: Crimson Catalyst book -

And here's a new drawing representing the Innasht Behlit:

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this weekend at sakuracon we'll be doing another ffxiv stamp rally/scavenger hunt! make a purchase at each table to receive a stamp and bring the card back to me at to get a prize bag with stickers, a diamond button, and a random job washi tape \o/

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