sora eni ^^ nyobain ngasih rambut warna-warni, aneh banget gak biasa liatnya wkwkwk

7 14

nyoba pakein ke derina, gemes jugaaa 😍

8 16

finally drawing her again :))

17 59

gantian genji yang di kospley

14 35

"one time for the saints and the sinners"


13 26

they are judging you 👀

17 29

"you heed the ever sounding calling

Surat Cinta Cahaya Pagi
part 6

19 33

"i tried to rest, but i'm haunted by my mind"

Surat Cinta Cahaya Pagi
part 5

11 37

"ku lihat bintang-bintang
tersenyum saksikan kau merekah"

32 100


"forget the enemies you've made
you're not a shadow you won't fade"

21 62

sora backstory dropped yoooo

8 19

// blood

"so what's it like to live life as your own biggest fan?"

17 36

i wonder if any member of narutha'39 from my highschool still follow me, its ya boyy genji and satria :D

5 17

here's Nurul and Derina,

this just get lazier lmao

16 46