In Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Agrippa ascribes this decan to "A man in whose hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, serving another; it granteth wisdom, and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit."

This image is from Palazzo Schifanoia:

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Mario Schifano

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Décor iconique de la Renaissance italienne, les fresques du salon des Mois du Palazzo Schifanoia à Ferrare (vers 1470) célèbrent le gouvernement de Borso d’Este à travers une série de symboles allégoriques et de scènes de la vie de cour

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3/3 Two astrological “decani” of month of April at the Palazzo Schifanoia, 1469, by Francesco del Cossa.

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“Words and Drawings of Frank O’Hara & Mario Schifano” 1964

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Drawings by Mario Schifano
Writing by Frank O’Hara

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Drawings by Mario Schifano
Writing by Frank O’Hara

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Drawings by Mario Schifano
Writing by Frank O’Hara

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. Mario Schifano - Gigli d'acqua - Vela - visioni etrusche - Trasposizioni della natura ... l'ho cosciuto poco prima che morisse!

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Francesco del Cossa, The month of April (detail), Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara, 1468-70

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4/4 Some astrological “decani” of the month of April at the Palazzo Schifanoia, 1469, by Francesco del Cossa.

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Frank O'Hara once collaborated on a little-known portfolio of drawings with the Italian artist Mario Schifano, and both were incapable of making a mark that did not look elegant. The drawings are at .

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Buon compleanno!

Una libertà audace per l'epoca (1470) in questo particolare del Trionfo di Venere nel Mese di Aprile, ciclo del Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.

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L'Arte italiana negli anni '80

Vuoto. Non si può che descrivere così l’attività artistica di quegli anni rispetto al periodo precedente e la quantità di mezzi esp...Vedi altro su McArte L'AltrArteBlog

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2/2 Charming army of putti (all wearing little coral necklaces) for the month of May in the Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara. By Francesco del Cossa.

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