started 2022 with an archaeological anniversary: The 200th birthday of in January.

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Imagine being a guest at the 1881 ball celebrating the completion of Heinrich Schliemann’s new villa in Athens and having to say something nice to him about the ballroom’s custom ceiling painting of him as a cherub with his 🍆 out…

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Not yet completely given up on the idea of that graphic novel (Sophia) biography.

So, here's Heinrich for this

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2/4 Schliemann was already famous for his discovery of legendary Troy at Hisarlik in Turkey. At Mycenae he was searching for the tomb of King Agamemnon who led the Greeks against Troy. He found 19 burials at Grave Circle A. Five of which had gold funerary masks.

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Four more gold funeral masks found in the shaft graves of Grave Circle A on the Mycenaean Acropolis, dated 16th century BC.

Schliemann thought he’d discovered the tombs of King Agamemnon & followers. Research shows the graves are older.

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View of Argos from Tiryns - Heinrich Schliemann at the Lion Gate | Unknown artist, end of 19th century

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Si ses méthodes laissaient à désirer, Heinrich Schliemann, mort un 26 décembre 1890, n'en reste pas moins l'archéologue qui a révélé la mycénienne.

Du masque d'Agamemnon au diadème et boucles d'oreilles que sa femme portera, le de Priam a fasciné le monde.

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Un 26 de diciembre, pero de 1890, moría el arqueólogo Tras reunir una gran fortuna, se dedicó a explorar los lugares descritos por en la y la excavando y descubriendo importantes piezas artísticas en Troya, Micenas y Tirinto.

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