Day 31 of Scribtober 🎃 It's over! Scribtober is officially done! Thank you to everyone who participated and I can't wait to do this again next year!

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Day 28 of Scribtober 🎃 Even though doing the background took so long, I really like how trippy this came out for my prompt of 'eye' today!

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Day 25 of Scribtober I'm not the best at side-profiles but I had a lot of fun doing this and the simple little background 💜

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Day 18 of Scribtober 🎃 Prompt today was 'Potion' and I was doing this on my stream today over on Twitch! I decided to focus more on the background then usual!

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Day 14 of Scribtober 💜 Since I already did a Zombie for the other day, I thought I would do more of a skeleton for this one with some derpy little ghosts!

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Day 11 of Scribtober🎃Who doesn't like a cute fairy??? I mean, she is so cute <3

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Day 7 of Scribtober🎃I'm still working on how I do lighting but I was happy getting to draw another OC! Sorry for the late post!

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