Pelt, it seemed, had fully been corrupted by the ship's power. A powerful figure at the best of times, now without inhibitions, he made an almighty threat to our heroes as they battled to the end of Issue 2!

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Having survived the encounters thus far, the heroes came across who they were her to find - one of the missing Ouroboros operatives, Never. She seemed immune to the ship's effects, but in bad condition. But where was the other missing operative?

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One figure missing since the initial combat was Quilalea - a Sun Sea lieutenant here for reasons unknown. Though investigating the ship... it seemed perhaps the presence of the enormous Magdalen may give a hint. Unfortunately, it seemed she was beyond reason...

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Igsma (picture centrally above) had quite the ability to aid her side, gazing through dimensional borders to pluck out her Igs, Igades, and of course her grand Lieutenant... The Big Ig.

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