gn to the besties

and gn to my furry moots who live in my state but not my city [yall might find me before i find you sdfsdf]

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[👻 16 vs now - the sleepy intensified njsfknjsdf]

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[👻 Matchy moo moo onesi, matchy moo moo onesi yes.
Cozy and casual for when you actually have to leave the house dose look nice too nsdjkfnjksdf]

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Hc de orientación de lemon, pump y skaith
reutilizo dibujos porque que paja hacer otros ajasd

Puede que haga más icons asi con los personajes, se ven cute¿ 🍋🏳️‍🌈

[ Resubido porque queria poner a los otrosasdf]

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Well I decided to do something different. As a pixel artist, lots of my detail work, especially on faces gets a lil unnoticed ijfsjkgsdf]okdsa, and seeing every single pixel is I think cool rtgyjhtyju

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