Investigating the foraging ecology of Red-billed Tropicbirds around Cape Verde. of writes about her BOU -funded bursary project on |

1 5

There are ~150k historic images of nature available from the Biodiversity Heritage Library covering the centuries. A look through their Flickr page is well worth it ( These odd Auks are from The Birds of Great Britain, v7, 1795-1801.

18 54

Nest desertion: An anti-predator strategy of the Australian Fairy Tern Sternula nereis nereis. Claire Greenwell et al.

1 5

Coverage of our recent paper by - Seabirds that eat plastic—and live—have major health problems

17 35

Changes in abundance and distribution of nesting Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the San Francisco Bay area, 1975-2017. Mark J. Rauzon et al.

3 4

Individual consistency in the non-breeding behavior of a long-distance migrant seabird, the Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea. Karine Delord et al.

11 14

Diet of the Atlantic Petrel Pterodroma incerta during the non-breeding season. Martin S. Perez et al.

7 18

Hey early-career members! Get ready for PSG 2019 in Kauai:
- Registration includes lunch ALL 3 DAYS
- Two ECS-centered events!
- The end-of-conference banquet is now a BEACHFRONT party with reduced cost from the traditional banquet (only $35!)

6 9

face extinction in 60 years. Obscure endangered species don't get protection

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