I’m gonna be working on some art raffle and commissions today so please have this 😌

8 56

I rewatched last night, and I can't believe I missed this face before.

23 714

Four months later and better late than never 🍃
Left Keyleth is from 2017 and Right is still a work in progress.

77 846

Pike trying to wake up Grog❤️
The background is how I image the Pandemonium and the red part represent the red gem with Grog's soul

2 11

[Vampiric Touch]

No Liam I am still not over your little cleric shenanigans. Even started playing one on our own Thursday DnD sessions.

94 635

The moment when you pull a card from the deck of many things and your soul gets trapped on the plane of pandemonium...

29 504

Welcome back Grog! (So because I keep track of these things... this is my 200th piece of fan art... and counting!)

11 68

I really loved the similarities between Lieve'tel and Vax'ildan, and though I missed our rogue, Leive was a great addition to the team.

1 8

Sorry. Who's this Trinket- Oh F@$#!

Bertrand was one of the many highlights of

3 13

[ "Shaun? He loved you..." ]

Listen. I'll never NEVER be over Vax and Gilmore. And then they went and did THIS at the live show? I'm dead and gone.

481 3300

So excited to finally post these up! I was honoured to produce the character artwork for Lieve & Bertrand for ‘The Search For Grog’. Their descriptions darn-near made me drool. Happy watching, everyone!!

834 5119

Hahah I feel like that kid at the end of Hook... what a show!

1 6

Double 20s, 2 Titan Stone Knuckles, One card pulled, pure rage, giant muscles, and the best search party in the history of D&D

No damn demigod ever standed ANY chance


165 1533

ok they said this.. and those words are what always fills me with dread.

24 208

thank the god for the scan man 😩💦

4 28