My very favorite flower, the passionflower. It’s so easy to grow in the northwest, but is pretty aggressive and spreads happily. Still, who can resist those beautiful flowers?

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Our plum trees are blooming so I hope there will be plums this summer! I can’t wait.

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A little sketch of forcing forsythias. They’re so cheerful, along with the daffs, in the winter! .

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Last year’s February snow didn’t bring the little crocuses down. I do hope we don’t get a late snow again this year, but if we do, don’t worry because these little guys will survive!!

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Yes, there really are hellebores blooming right now! They’re coming up through the dead leaves like little bright stars.

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A primrose I’ve never had before this year. I love the sturdy perennial primroses but this sweet thing is a short-lived beauty.

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