Your worth is not determined by external validation or the opinions of others.

It comes from within, and recognizing your own unique value is the first step towards a fulfilling life. ❤️

11 42

People will try 2 knock U down when UR happy. It’s inevitable. Never let them pull U down 2 their level. It has zero 2 do w/ U & 💯 2 do w/ them

17 121

"Do we, as a society at present, value confidence – or the appearance of it – over inherent value? Value that’s often intangible and therefore, harder for others to attribute merit to?":

3 15

I posted this a while back but…damn! This Doodle has so many levels of truth.

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gentwt when their skrinkly mipy whos supposed to be 100% evil is having complex feelings abt his selfworth and is going thru intense character development

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Comment 💯💯💯 if you agree.

Self-worth is our perception of ourselves and our belief of our own worth. How we measure our worth is important. 🌿

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🐺 “Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them.” 🐺⁠
― Nikita Gill⁠

What animal resonates most with you?⁠

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Sunday sketchbook spread! Playing with a looser style of linework, which has been so much fun


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Ink and colour test pass.

Last night I was actually starting to feel the art again rather that "do" the art.

Who else is their own worse critic?

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As promised for my Norther Hemisphere loves, here are some of my favourite Imbolc rituals!


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wishing the best for all my friends & moots for the new year to come. Remember to focus on & that your

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