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Playing basketball and sangwoo win the battle so as a prize Jaeyoung give him a kiss 😂💙 he love his baby sangwop so much.

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Playing basketball was sangwoo first time so he was a little nervous. He is way too cute 💙

Sangwoo '' I'll practice a little bit. "

Playing basketball ,practice together and get kissed from Jaeyoung sunbae.

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😭💜 oh! I can't wait for next episode. They are so cute and Adorable and now we know that Sangwoo's laugh can make Jaeyoung lose control. But a part from that Jaeyoung is such a clingy bf. Asking sangwoo to kiss him

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They are now husband and husband 🌹🍃

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After that Jaeyoung told sangwoo to Change his contact name on sangwoo's phone. 🤣

Jaeyoung '' what's this Emoji? But this is not a star , not a fun but its just a hot spring. Are you joking?

Sangwoo '' Always hot. Like you,sunbae ''

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Jaeyoung bought food and medicine to sangwoo. He is such a 100% green flag bf.

Jaeyoung '' Yesterday was good ''

Sangwoo '' lie. You weren't satisfied at all ''

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Its all age (16+) but they really have such a wonderful night and all the scene are in detail.

Well i'm so obsessed with how they hold their hand while doing it.

Its their first time arrr my babies!

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Sangwoo 💭 '' its uncomfortable he'sYou touch everything else and get sick on purpose ''

Sangwoo '' take it off''

Jaeyoung '' Sangwoo ya why is this happening like this? "

(Touching Baby elephant of sangwoo)

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Sangwoo sit onto Jaeyoung thigh and said '' I wanna do it with hyung ''

Jaeyoung was shocked when he hear it. Sangwoo take the first move✋❣
I'm so curious that next part gonna be 19+?

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