Hey everybody! I need someone to modded Gracia from Samurai Warriors series to mod Alisa Bosconovitch for Tekken 7! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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It's a picture I drew more than 10 years ago. sengokumusou

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One of my most loved videogames sagas is Samurai Warrios a.k.a Sengoku Musou. Years ago, soon after playing the first game, I did this simple blinking chibi. Very old art again xD Yukimura is still my fav character.

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[Ishida's Marriage]

Actually this one for practice background as well as shading

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フライング無双小十郎 | 青名 https://t.co/CSRN4HGzRd

メッタメタたべます! | 鳩豆さちこ https://t.co/MtBguBWctg

2014 | たき https://t.co/r1rnVsj8Qe

ガンバるよ! | ライカ https://t.co/aMfZJT0IkL

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待ってたぁあああああ!!! | ぺス https://t.co/nWX0D6ict3

ほんとうに | なころも https://t.co/tMPIUmdMPo

無題 | ザネリ https://t.co/5va3QJNKlS

甲斐姫 | SR(お仕事募集中) https://t.co/pivF0507x3

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日ノ本一 | やのひと https://t.co/12vT6fWIuy

幸村様はあたしが守る | オゼ@カルネ4 い26 https://t.co/qffnYNUUIV

みつなり | たき https://t.co/Vd7hOnl4oT

みんなのおかあさん | HITAKI https://t.co/xJhAZ5fIP0

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