Y ahora dejando el sentimentalismo en el post anterior

*Aclara su garganta* MIKE BOOMER :D

En fin, pasesela increíble 🥳

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"By thinking and rethinking about it, I tell myself that I merely succumbed to a writer's sentimentalism which, as touching as it may have been, lacked any rigor." - Tsugaru, O. Dazai

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C18th sentimentalism forever changed the public grieving of a child’s death. The intellectual Sir Brooke Boothby, lost his child Penelope (age 6). On her sad tomb it read: ‘The unfortunate parents ventured their all on this frail bark and the wreck was total.’

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①『Stardust Dreams』領域ZERO

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Sir John Everett Millais (a Pre-Raphaelite) links the “fancy paintings” of Mercier, Reynolds & Gainsborough & the nostalgic sentimentalism of the Victorians with “My First Sermon” & “My Second Sermon”. Do you see how these later inspired Norman Rockwell?


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Even before Gainsborough, Philip Mercier painted “fancy paintings” inspired by Dutch genre paintings. After my recent tweets, can you now see the origins of sentimentalism & romanticism in these paintings from the 1740s & 1750s?

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Intriguingly, sentimentalism (romanticism) has its origins in the Age of Enlightenment (reason). The great brilliantly clever as always, was one of the first to satirize this apparent contradiction—look at the title of her 1811 novel,

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The Divine Conspiracy PRECISA de uma continuação

Saudades da época pré-física quântica, em que o Epica abordava temas religiosos e mais sentimentalismo.

TDC só tem hino e tudo longo, músicas de 7 a 8 minutos, mas é um progressivo q não cansa, a construção toda dele é perfeitaa

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Día 11 "herida"
Aquí no andamos con sentimentalismo >:^
Una referencia al oso de goma ese (?)

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Bueno ya basta de sentimentalismo y dígame... ¿quien se anima tratar de aguantar 1 minuto en un ajaula con esta Leona? ¿y porque saldrán sin piernas? :v

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for this module i cobbled together the 10th anniversary with the only module wowaka ever got for two-faced lovers then i threw in my own sentimentalism. in the spirit of wowaka monochromism was key. i hope you see this from megaheaven wowaka i owe you everything

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Oi eu sou a Ju, @ ajuilustra no instagam, atualmente trabalho muito com arte digital, retratos, ilustrações e tenho um projeto de tirinhas semanais chamado sentimentalismo de quinta

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Art vs Kitsch

Lots of critics of modern art, in their disapproval of avant-garde get to the point where they praise any sort of art that uses traditional techniques even if such art is quite obviously kitsch. The artist that comes to my mind is Volegov and his sentimentalism.

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Para un gran amigo y compañero jeje y ese se llama alexander esquivel (lauren) un gran amigo que eh compartido muchos momentos y aunque no lo conozco personalmente solo déjame decirte que eres un gran amigo para mi, mi mejor amigo jeje bueno basta de sentimentalismos y disfruten

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"Heroes have always been monsters who crushed their sentimentalism underfoot."

'cause Dazai is Akutagawa's heroe as the same time is a monster to him.

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El sentimentalismo me acabo venciendo, voy a jugar Mamá 3, pasen

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A estas alturas del año a mas de uno le pica el bicho del futuro y el sentimentalismo, por aqui pasa igual. con o sin lluvia, a veces.

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