Rex: "Oh hey, you're one of those Phantom Thieves, right?

Jin: "No, I'm Sepiroth, and you're about to be Aerith."

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40. a three-parter including makoto being into supernatural or whatever the fuck, haru being into whatever sepiroth is from idk yugioh? whatever, and Miles Edgeworth on tumblr

4 13

Tifa being Cloud's light and strength to defeat Sepiroth since OG, CC, KH and Dissidia.

23 143

I got S and told not to use sepiroth BumUT YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU HAVE MY KINLIST AND HIM

0 4

hey i hope you like this fanart i made of you cosplaying as sepiroth i spent very long on it

37 107

Biker femboy Sepiroth

no I don’t have an answer for this

2 6

No c, después de ver al tripulante sepiroth me dieron ganas de hacer lo mismo pero con Dante xd, q solo de Dante solo tiene la espada y la crucecita pero no c

1 7

shes gonna hire sepiroth as skyworld security

91 858

real gamers only play Sepiroth with the no shirt skin

4 69

A quick drawing/sketch of Sepiroth cause he’s in Smash Bros Ultimate! I’ll probably make a better drawing of him maybe someday.

11 27


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Sebenernya udah lama si babang teh jadinya. Antara ga da waktu ngupload, sm masih ga sreg trus males rubah2 hahahaha 😂😂😂 udah ga mood, maapkeun

Mudah2an suka yes

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Safer Sepiroth redesign BY B03DI

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Helter Skelter and his brother Skelter Helter. Pulling from Sepiroth and Cloud respectively.

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