asethetically drawing other's hom!!!
I picked these types since I rarely draw. This game is so asethically sactisfiying *_*

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Not necessarily evil but they’re red with white pupils, have them as the pink ones in game cause that’s as close to unnatural I can get, stilldoesntexcusethetomfooleryshepreformswhensheactuallyisrepresentingme-

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Jimtober Day 4: Daylight/Eclipse
Eclipse version of my previous Daylight armor + Triumbric stone homage that's been in my head!

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Logo design for Honest Thomas’ twitch channel!

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Equipped with a wide range of close range weaponary and composite armor, is prepared to get up close and personal with adversaries. Lava lamp like asethetics help disorient opponents before going for the kill

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Hey and ! Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE get a Blu-ray release of Trollhunters??? The entire fandom would rise from the dead and buy them day 1. Also.... please !!

5 30

I typically don't like characters with this aesethetic (cutesy, moe, etc) but Bridget is mad fun

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📸My cursed beloved... (1997)🎒

🎮I saw an Omori gameplay and saw people making fanarts and what not and thought of doing one too.

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This will be what my sona looks like when not in shroomie form. Their outfit aesthetic will be kid core asethetic

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It still burns knowing we missed out on a Quinceañera episode of . We could have seen another Lumity dance on the Disney Channel. The world has been robbed.

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of course i love TC, this is one of my troll ocs so like???

the asethetic is one i clearly love

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🍼Gift for •°{Marshmallowkitty}°•🌸

whats your Asethetic?🌸
Share's are appriciated just credit me pls ♡ Thank you 💗

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