Thanks for the tag, love! 🖤

First 4 characters that come to mind

Oda Nobunaga (summer FGO)
Abe Setrakian (The Strain)
Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
Echo (Star Wars Clone Wars/Bad Batch)

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Marnie and Gloria | Pokémon by Setrakian

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I’m currently working my way through 4 seasons of The Strain, available on Disney Plus Star here in the UK, and it’s great fun!
Here’s Setrakian (played by the fantastic ) and me getting ready to chop off some Strigoi heads! 😁❤️X

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Abraham Setrakian -how I imagined him, from the first book-
Can’t wait to read the other two!!
by and

Mixed Technique

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Beautiful fam! We have one more incredibly special bday to celebrate today! Please join us in wishing the SUPERBLY TALENTED a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!💕🎉🧡💜🎉💕

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Kill the strigoi! My fave character from I'm loving this season!

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