Cus Chrism's' season is not all about Gurls, there is also bois, this is a two character flat color commission with background.

4 48

Here we have a couple comics about a couple fellas, but before we do, we must talk about Paralel Universes, 2 small color comic commission for Sloe and Tailowking at FA

8 33

Cuando mire starwars por primera vez tenia 5 años y mis primeras ereciones me las causaban estos soldados xd creo que ese fue el primer aviso que me dio mi cuerpo disiendome que era homosexual

2 38

Alright, alright shem will post something, mysterious 40 something new followers, you like RPG armor? CELSHADED 3 character commission for

63 199

Of all the attempts from ninty to get people off their arses, I've heard that ring fit has been kind of effective? I still remember breaking a sweat when I used to play wii sports, celshade for

24 100

Ok last one of these, this one was a wild ride I had to experiment with like early 2000's web mascot designs to get something I liked, this one was for SigmaBlack over FA

13 61

These two had a more EldenSoulsBorneKiro inspired aesthetic, a pervo slime monster and a rat boar knight for

11 70

This year the eggs had a lot of taters and sausage, these four boyos were all adopted and designed for they look like some cheesy...or rather, EGGY superhero team

21 104

Gotta lay it down to you familia, there's gonna be plenty gurls posted soon is some flat color pic for qs a gift for

42 201

It is quite interesting when something is neither porn nor family friendly but rather risque, it is quite the challenge to tag, it could be and , small color comic commission for SigmaBlack over

24 151

Shame was once again been tempted to sin, not like achieving that is any difficult , but hey you know, big color comic commission for (aha beat you fucking tagging)

45 214

Congelado emoji esta feliz que lo hayan visitado aun estando a bajas temperaturas,❄❄❄

"Si te gusto dale ❤ y claro si puedes tu hermoso follow🤭"

3 13

Mas de emojis,a alguien le alargaron el🍌 y es por una buena razon no??.

"Que le paso a mi pene!!? OMG😱"

"Tengo mis razones je je je...~😈"

1 27

⚠️TW // ⚠️ - lo pongo en ingles tmb pq si

0 64

Dia 2: (Gemelos/Twins) Este par de chicos traviesos no se deprenden de la barra de chocolate son todos unos loquillos😚😚😚.

3 7

Dia 1: (Selfie) una foto para animar a tu amigo que le dejo su novia ánimos brother!!! Para eso estan las buenas amistades de por vida.

0 4