Late Father’s Day thingie I made!! BigBand spending time with the kiddos n Ileum greetin him- YA LOVE TO SEE IT 🥺😭🖤

Then there’s jelly Beowulf because he aint got no family of any sort despite that he’s also seen father figure like

… poor wulf 😭😂

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…I’m not gonna explain this one because this post explains itself 💀💀💀

I swear I’m working on actual stuff, I just gotta indulge in my uh totally 100% Correct and only righteous beliefs 🤺🤺💨💨

Sorry not sorry

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I impulsively drew art of some big booby ladies >:D

One cause i rlly hated my art take of Val n Para before, (Now I’m happy with it) and two I’ve never drawn Eliza before so I did through my own interpretation!

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*Audible booing from the distance

YEAH YEAH LATE AGAIN WHATEV😡- But happy late b-day King >:D

I hated my last art of him so I also redid it in hopes that I improved SOMEHOW (mostly his face hole) but ye here’s for Beo fans ig 🥺💥💥#skullgirls

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No Valentine’s Day Art but here’s Organ wife being an awesome mom part: 443616273 (also don’t mind that last post it was just a silly goof nothing srs 😳😳)

I’ve also kinda redesigned the kids slllliiiighty hope ur cool with it 🥺

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Fukua is one of my favourite Sg fighters and I FINALLY got around to draw her 😭👏🤍🖤

I also decided to change her design a bit,, hopefully it works? What do yall think? 🥺 (may/may not keep it for future artworks)#skullgirls

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Over the time I was being gone and dead I doodled/sketched a bunch of things

First one is them interrogatin’ a Medici crook >:DD
Like Father like daughter ~✨
(Ben pls 😳🤭)

The last one,,, idk 😂
Andy’s a confused bi in my book

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Guys,, Ive finished it 😳 The full ver will be posted soon,,

But Keep an eye out for something much bigger with this art piece! 🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵💫✨🌟

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Eee I did it!! For this lil devils birthday! 🥺

Not much but it’s something! I also wanted to do somethin a little different with the b-day art of my Iteration of Peacock without her usual “uniform” :>

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