画質 高画質

Aku mau pamer art! Wip komis ku eheq~ sender bingung sama shading rambutnya hiks kalau ada yg mau ngasih tips soal shading yg cocok buat art style ginian boleh komen yaa btw ada yg mau ber☁️ sama aku? 😋

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Guys i'm gonna die shading this

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jk i’m just practicing my cell shading for your cooldown doodle
still can’t do it right lol

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Reject shading, commit hue jitter jojoo

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Shading bagian lengannya udh bener blum yaa artist! Sender ngerasa anehh tp bingung mau dibenerin kyk gmn 😔

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Shading slowly but surely. Short stream today but thank you for those who tuned in!! 🤎

Otsupan!! 🥖✨

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Wooo, I'm tired but I'm glad we are progressing smoothly with the shading. 🎨

Thanks everyone for hanging out, otsupan!! 🥖✨

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We will be starting the shading on next stream!
Thank you for hanging out and playing Helldivers 2 with me, it was a lot fun!! 🫡

Otsupan!! 🥖

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Mau setor art! wip coba coba shading ala ala anime hehe 😋

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siang!! sender abis buat laut mohon saran shading karena takutnya shade gelapnya kurang arghh gitu atau sudah cukup? thankiesss artist! 😭🫰🏼

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Astro Note

Oh interesting.
I didn't expect Astro Note to look like a 90s anime, especially the space stuff.
Some shading is modern but a lot of the animation style especially with expressions and character designs are definitely leaning towards nostalgia.
Pretty fun ngl.

0 5

Astro Note

Oh interesting.
I didn't expect Astro Note to look like a 90s anime, especially the space stuff.
Some shading is modern but a lot of the animation style especially with expressions and character designs are definitely leaning towards nostalgia.
Pretty fun ngl.

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Artist! Seruu banget Shading baju😚🔥

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art! sender baru belajar pake watercolor begini..
biar kesan nya lebih nyata harus shading dimana lagi yaa???
ga expect sesusah ini😔‼️

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Art! Nitip wip hehe
Doakan sender lancar pake teknik shading baru huweee😭 akhirnya bisaa walaupun mantengin tutor mulu, btw yang suka dia Sabi lahh kita bermoo~tualan

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We started shading the background now. I will continue the process tomorrow but she looks lovely!! 😤

Thanks for watching this quaso drawing today, otsuquaso!! 🥐

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definitely Jojo. DioJonaDio to be exact- because I learned how to draw >muscles > clothes folds >various outfits, things that I avoided learning before. and my shading/render got better as well
Also kicked my drive to draw short comics, and eventually doujinshis https://t.co/kkCVUTd9wN

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More progress on Jefuty illustration, we will be moving onto shading her lovely maid outfit next! 🥳

I have to do my japanese homework today so it might not be the usual streaming time, I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks for hanging out, LOVE YOU! 🤎
Otsupan! 🥖

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