To mark let's just remind ourselves of this shadiest of shade throwing posters from BR in the '80s... 😮‍💨

We can all agree that trains are better than planes, right?

📸 'How to Improve a Plane', BR poster, 1985

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The team at Slime Shadies brings you the best of both worlds:

Free-to-Play for and
Play-to-Own for users.

Shady Battlegrounds - an online, PvP, competitive, multiplayer, skill-based game - the first of its kind on ANY blockchain!

3 17

POV: youre about to eat some of the shadiest cakes the world has to offer

Happy birthday!!

2 13

Hey Shadies👻

Our friends over at are giving us 20 slots to try out their immersive well-being app-- the first ever in the nft space!

This one's a definite must-try! 👀😍

Betwixt is an immersive, choose-your-own-adventure journey that helps you build resilience...

5 21

Hey Shadies!

Giveaway Winner announcement time🥳

The winners on twitter are:

We'll have a new theme for our prompt soon, so prepare yourselves because our theme will be on... can anybody guess?🧒🌝💛

4 22

Lauren knows that even if you're busy today, it’s always time to relax🧘😌 Have a good Saturday Shadies!

4 23

“May the force be with you!”Lennon grabs two glow sticks, imagine he’s fighting with dark power.
He’s ready to visit his grandma this summer.
Cicadas chirping, Iced watermelon and all the mystic stories from her.
He wishes those moments could last forever.

3 10

Created this special piece for
Inspired by her amazing works✨

51 185

Hey Shadies

We’re excited to start a giveaway with a very special 1/1 art piece by ❤️

To enter, pick a Shadie you would like to have, and plan the perfect summer vacation for them. Post it with hashtag 🏖

You have one week!

17 52

Hey Shadies!

We’re brewing some weekly prompts on discord to get to know our better. Check it out and join us

7 31

Where’s all my shadies at?
Will follow everyone who shows me their SOY in the comments.

5 23

Hey Shadies

We've updated our future plans!👀

To find out more about it and what The ShadyVerse is, check out the website👻

16 39

Hey Shadies

Who wants to add some green vibes to your Shadie? Go check out our fresh background 🌿

9 31

She is complete.

Everyone? Meet 'Finding Love in the Shadiest Places' Kitsune. (Oof that title's a mouthful)

She's part husk, and she doesn't know much about humans. She likes Gothic clothes- especially dresses. They make her feel nice :)

1 10

pov: Business Benson is selling you the shadiest car of your dreams!

7 76

The Shadies live in a pleasant and harmonious balance on their home of Kouda. A magically iridescent planet, abundant with life and fantasy.

6 18

With our Shady Editor live 👉🏻(, we’d like to take this time to describe our aim with it.

Initially, we planned to be a community of art collectors, but it was clear that the individual Shadies had stories that needed to be told📝

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