Another throw back that longtime followers of mine might remember. Back in highschool I had this silly idea of making group of llamas that had strange attributes. Some were magical, some, like this one, were mechanical.

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"Fear not mortal! We are here to grant you salvation and freedom from the shackles of death! Rejoice and embrace our Lord's gift!"

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"Thou hast a brave soul, small one. We extend unto you the blessing of our lord. Embrace it and become like us. Enhanced. Enlightened. Eternal."

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A random mech castle arm with crystalline wings that I came up with while I was in Highschool.

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Another fanart for another franchise that holds a fond space for me. Played a few of these games with my siblings while we were kids.
And yes, for those who didn't know, the Bombermen are all robots with screens for faces.

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Another idea that I haven't drawn for awhile, originally just a random doodle from 2017 but I have reused it a couple times in other doodles.

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Yet another one of my characters that still needs an actual name. XD
Also one of my rare attempts at trying to make a creepier themed pic.

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Been awhile since I have drawn Neoir, and feels even longer since I drew him in this body.
Not quite happy with the BG and I might go back and edit it at some point.

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Been awhile since I drew the what-if design for a Robot Midori.
I was a bit slow to finish it, barely finishing it before midnight on the 3rd. XD

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That's right! Time for another month-long drawing challenge!
This time, since I have a large amount of machine and robot characters, I decided to take on

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Here is another chibi batch of my Dino Android character (who still needs a name) and some of her different transformations.

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Still drawing more of these sketchy-chibies, just forgot to share them here.

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Been on a bit of a trend of drawing some of my characters in a sort of sketchy-chibi style. It's been fun.

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Things that inspired me to become the artist is being exposed to stuff like scifi and fantasy properties as a child, and my parents would give me pencil and paper to keep me quite during church meetings.

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Been having fun drawing more characters drawn in this sketchy chibi style.

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Been having fun experimenting with a new chibi and kinda-sketchy style.

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Drew this to be a new, non-holiday/season specific profile pic to use on my online profiles. This time including my space squid character Aprio. Who I like to think of as a bit of a mascot.

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Thanks for hosting this!
I am a hobbyist artist who primarily draws ocs and comes up with stories for them.
I draw a veraity of scifi, fantasy, anthro, machines, pretty much anything that catches my interests.

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Thanks for hosting this!
I am a hobbyist artist that enjoys drawing original characters and coming up with stories for them.
I draw a mix of scifi, fantasy, anthro, mecha, pretty much whatever catches my interests.

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Thanks for hosting this!
I am a hobbyist artist that main draws original characters and comes up with stories for them. I draw a verity of things; Fantasy, Scifi, Anthro, Mecha, pretty much whatever catches my interest.

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