I think sending Asta to the past or future is my favourite theory rn. Would explain why he can't be sensed in present day. It gives him time to have an even bigger power up + gain experience. And it can lead to a really cool return moment when the situation is dire..

15 142

Tabata does it again? Down to the purpose he was sent out too. I'm really excited for what this parallel means for Adrammelech's importance as a character going forward. 🔥

9 77

It was nice to see them both rediscover their mothers in some form throughout the series. Since it was never guaranteed that they would. The future of the BC world going towards the unification of Kingdoms is also great for them.

6 83

Feeling coward redemption trope set up. Sekke will likely have a role in distracting/confusing Lucifero long enough for others to act etc.. No doubt the King will run with this to discredit achievements of Asta + Yuno before the Captains vouch. 😅

9 64

Notice how Lucifero's skin spirals around a point. 'Saint' Michael is often depicted with Lucifer, holding a bladed weapon. 'Saint' magic on Devils is no coincidence. This could be foreshadowing of a Saint race or a pervious time Lucifero crossed over & was pushed back.

35 325

Asta & Yuno looking the best they've EVER looked outside of the Manga.. Some much deserved justice finally. I noticed these should line up if you resize them right.. So ima say we can expect Noelle to be the next dropped image, somewhere on Astas right. 👌🏽

9 78