It's clear from interviews, content & comments that Gege likes self-deprecating humour to a degree.
Which is easy for haters or uninvested readers to twist or perpetuate in a literal manner; sadly often with malicious intent. 😐

103 1033

I like the form. Very wacky. The Rhyno head doubling as an outer shell.. The exposed eyes do feel like a design flaw rn though. I assume they close 😅

0 35

For those who know the story, Panda's sister form is like a full body version of this.. I wouldn't be surprised if Gege later cited it as an influence.. Panda's father being dead now kinda adds to it too. 🥲

3 44

Really cool detail that whatever form Panda takes, relative mass is maintained:
Panda- houses excess stuffing for the others.
Gorilla- repurposes this internally as muscle mass.
Rhyno- repurposes this externally as an outer shell. Resulting in a more petite inner body.

5 72

Don't ask me to explain but I'm nicknaming mine Sukuna & Gojo..
😅 🔥 🤞🏼

12 98

This is about to be the Season 2 equivalent..

85 1139

It was really nice to see the glass shattering & reflecting effect used again. I think Gege must have really enjoyed what Mappa did with Yuji entering Mahito's DE. Probably wants that kind of reaction shot here with Kashimo too. 👌🏽

23 394

The ability of Kashimo gives me Lille Barro vibes.. That factors into why I like it so much. An established connection between charge point & target in which all obstacles & 'time' are rendered irrelevant. An idea so simple yet so terrifying. 🔥

3 67

Imo the clear influence behind this scene. Elder Toguro & Mahito in general share similarities in how their abilities look, how they taunt their opponents etc. 👌🏽

18 132

It's insane how Gege continues to touch gold with each new significant CG addition. 🔥
Like fr each of them at some point has hopped into my Top 10, even if only for a few weeks. 🙌🏽

28 404

Deserved. 🔥 Ryu had me entertained in ways I haven't felt since Todo's last fight. It was so refreshing to get a character in Jujutsu Kaisen that just straight up throws hands & fires energy beams. His personality was the icing on top. Hope he stays.

28 292

I only just today noticed the teeth on the tip.. Hope they serve a function Maki can later exploit. Raw on their own too. 🔥

31 454

Gege exaggerating to be funny as always but the optimist in me read this as confirmation that Higuruma will be back.. 🙏🏽 😅

7 147

Lowkey NEEDED this colour page for every main CG match up! 🔥

40 527

Always been curious about the specifics of this page & such interactions. What do sorcerers actually see when they try to sense Toji/Maki. I've rationalised it as a distortion in ambient CE.. Flowing around them as if there's no space there to occupy.

13 145

Gege had Mentor & Student go through similar losses.. Wasn't the 1st time either. Both previously lost someone they believed to be under their care etc. It's fun to compare their reactions as Sorcerers of different ages/priorities/experiences.. 🙏🏽

32 350

This isn't meant to be 100% serious but with me & Gege being massive Digimon fans, I could not help but think of Infermon when I first saw Naoya.. The shape, goal, retractable limbs & cocoon-like symbolism... Idk. 😅 👌🏽

17 137

The effort on this page is crazy. Knowing how hard Mappa goes with glass, this is going to look so good in the anime. I don't envy how hard Gege has made it for them though goddamn. 🙌🏽

28 293