also this because I cant control myself

(original by @/nushanchel)

15 66

Heyo! I'm live with emote & pngtuber commissions! Also got some new (slightly cursed) skin reviews :') Come hang out at https:/

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how r we doin yamace nation??
(og by @/nushanchel)

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Nushanchel x
Item drop tomorrow!

7 153

As seen in Xiao Shancha's 4th Anniversary illustration, she and Naidong are wearing new official outfits! These were designed by and they are free to use in songs if you'd like (be sure to credit fiorrie if you do)! Fanart is also okay! We hope you like them! Enjoy!

3 9

February 16 is Xiao Shancha's Anniversary! It's been 4 years! Time really is flying!

We have an illustration by of her and her male derivative, Xiao Naidong, surrounded by camellia flowers in the snow, matching their names' meanings.

Happy 4th Anniversary Shancha!💚💚

8 15

THEY WANT CHEEEEEVOS! alborganalborgnabanoshancishsmichalborgansasasch, whoiiimphanasha, nananananananbananannaanan hahfifanaganoluma, THEY WANT CHEEEEEEEEEVOS! a-l-b-o-r-g-a-n-a-l-b-o-r-g-a-n-a-l-b-o-r-g-n-a-b-a-n-o-s-c-h-a-n-c-i-s-h-s-m, who-iimpha-anasha na-na-na-na-na-lalala

8 21

Happy shancemas to John from the shance discord! First time mistletoe can be confusing for aliens 😜

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Our second SET of pathetic men are Penguin & Shanchi from One Piece!

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🌑 O twin gods bless this land ☀️
(art by nushanchel)

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🏳️‍🌈Natina Laurel Olivia Shance's 1st day of school w/ Mommies & Auntie Nyssa (who's teaching her to be a ninja). We missed Auntie Laurel.🌵🍒⚔️ Idea from art.

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((Made this doodle based on an RP with Shancai and Mac! Dont worry, that's not actually Shūbǎo!))

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I drew Shanqi. I'm looking forward to the sequel.

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Hi, I'm Migi and I have ADHD and GAD. I'm part of JAE VOCAL PROJECT, a group that creates UTAU and DeepVocal characters. The one I voiced was Xiao Meihua, and co-manage Xiao Shancha & Yu Junjie.

I mostly tune or organize songs. My YouTube is here:

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((Shūbǎo needed to 'vent' a little bit after meeting Shancai))

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Happy everyone! And happy birthday to the man of the hour himself (with a shancey touch of course ^^)

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Character:Nakiri Ayame

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I drew Shanqi for the first time. The quick action is cool.

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