(#INFO) 03/09/19 O filme "A Fortaleza de Xangai", estrelado por e Shu Qi, estará disponível na no dia 13 de setembro!

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(#HQ) 08/08/19 no Roadshow do filme A Fortaleza de Xangai em Changsha
© 勋鹿吧HunLuBAR (2)

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Shanghai Fortress merchandise 

Pingin 😥

Via. fyluhan

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[FANART] 190804 @ Shanghai Fortress Premiere

Cr. 虫oxx

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(#WEIBO) 29/07/19 Atualização do Estúdio do "9 de agosto, acenda o fogo! Lute junto com Jiang Yang."
© fyluhan

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(#INFO) 24/07/19 O filme "A Fortaleza de Xangai" que será lançado em 9 de agosto terá 107 minutos!

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Is this from the original story ? 💙

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Po finansowym sukcesie 流浪地球, (700 mln $ w box office) chińczycy atakują kolejnym filmem science fiction pod tytułem 上海堡垒
A że ja łykam sci-fi niczym wyborca PiS Wiadomości, czekam i mam nadzieję, że to również pojawi się na Netflix

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(#INFO) 25/05/19 O filme "A Fortaleza de Xangai" no qual interpreta o personagem principal, Jiang Yang, será lançado mundialmente em 9 de agosto de 2019!

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[190524] Shanghai Fortress weibo update: Aliens invade and Shanghai is the last fortress of mankind. China becomes the main battleground of sci-fi war for the first time. The movie “Shanghai Fortress” will be released on August 9th 2019.

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