More today! Maybe I'll dip my toes into some conquest or maybe I'll keep being salty french fry? Come find out!

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Having some Smite shenanigans with a friend tonight! Also changed out my twitch panels a little. Come say hello and watch us try NOT to get salty? <3

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HOI! It's your best friend zeppy! Come chill today as we play The legend of Bread of the wild! On

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Hey guys! It's your best friend! Welcome to the Zeppy shoutout!
This time top supporters are:
► shadow_refuge

Check them out and give them love!

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More Apex Legends tonight, followed by Smite later! Merch store open and I'm a sick potato! Let's just have fun!

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Lets see if we can play WITHOUT crashing! later in stream. Playing Apex, Live!

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Happy Valentine's Day!! Zombies need love too! Also some wicked Cupid plays to come later. LETS SPREAD THE LOVE! <3

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Season 6 time! Then Dying Light later with friends! Lets have some fuuuun!

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Sorry for ending my stream so early guys... Feeling a bit sick and just need to lay down or something. I'll try to stream more tomorrow if I'm feeling better. <3 Thanks so much for the raids and new faces. Made my day so much better!

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About to chill and be a cool anime protagonist. Ya know, save the world and stuff? Let's hang out! <3

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Momma Potato is live with and possibly going to play later. Come join the Tater Tot Army! <3

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I heard its 2019 now so... Stream :3 Making some emotes and overlays today! Later some 2 on

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Hey! One of my friends gifted me this game so I'm checking it out! Come chill with me as its my first time playing 2 :3

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Hey guys! We are on the finale of hd on

Come join us as we finish this amazing tale!

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