"Incompatible, a broken lone wolf that the full moon has forgotten"
wolf n bun au but keith going in harms way to protect a rabbit just as alone and broken

28 89

"Beam a light on me I am a satellite, and I can't get back without you.."
i have a hoktril content problem, and that its i need more of it


32 83

"You don't need to fight your battles alone, I'm always gonna be here to have your back."
(guess what, my pen died as SOON as i finished the lineart sooo we got no pressure touch screen tonight)

22 79

“I’m sorry, Shiro...”

Sheith Angst Week 2019 - Day 7: Alternate Realities

292 587

Will I ever get to writing this fic? Who knows.... anyway here’s a scene I keep thinking about, even if I’ll never write it... Also, it’s hella late so I can’t tell if it’s obvious that Keith is being protected, not attacked...

173 456

"Too Late" - I love you

Day 2

I really wanted to participate in the but due to heavy workload, other projects and travel time this week I probably can only make this one piece.

157 442

DAY ONE: Mutual Pining // Ex-Lovers

good morning and happy September!! let's kick this off, shall we?

please tag your posts or @ this account, & i'll RT them as soon as i can. :)

5 22